Winnie- Mother of 3, Grandmother of 5
How would you describe your love for your grandchildren:
Being a grandparent is one of the joys of ageing. It is unconditional love. There's no feeling like it, it is like when my grandchildren look into my eyes and ask me questions. And they feel like I am this endless source of wisdom which is both flattering and untrue at times.
Has being a grandparent been different to what I expected?
To be honest, I was a bit anxious when we were expecting our first grandchild simply because
I thought of it as a sign of aging being called a grandma. But when I first saw my grandson, it was
an indescribable feeling of pure joy and pride. Some of the things I love about being a grandparent:
Being called "Nana" especially when my granddaughter says "You look young and pretty Nana"
I get to spoil them but still respects my childrens' parenting choices.
Share special stories of my childhood growing up in Samoa
They help me stay young at heart with the ever changing technology by helping me stay-up-to-date with social media (like using emojis appropriately) and troubleshoot technology
The hugs and kisses
Witness my children being great parents themselves
How do you teach your grandchildren the ways of God?
By walking the talk in my own daily life, therefore modelling what a godly life looks like.
Pray with them
Having honest relative discussions of issues/questions raised

Meaghan- Mum of 3
They say when a child is born, a mother is also born. How do you describe becoming a mother?
Nowhere near as glamorous as the magazines/tv shows make it look! It was the most confusing bundle of emotions all wrapped up together! It was feeling joy, intense love, anxiety, fear, frustration, fulfillment all at the same time!
How would you describe a mother’s heart or love?
A mother’s heart is one who feels all the feels deeply. It loves deeply, it hurts deeply. It feels immense joy and deep pain.
Has motherhood been different from what you expected?
Very much so! More exhausting than I ever imagined!
What has becoming a mother taught you?
It has taught me more about the unconditional love of God.
How do you teach your children the ways of God?
By talking openly, showing them what worship and prayer look like, bringing them to the house of God every week, reading the Bible together.
In three words, how would you want your kids to describe you?
Worshipper, Biggest-supporter (putting a hyphen in makes it one word right??) and Mum!

Jessie- Mum to 4 boys
What has becoming a mother taught you?
Becoming a mother has taught me to not sweat on the little stuff, to make the most out of everything, to be flexible, that my time is not my own, to savor the moments with them as they get older these times get fewer and fewer, that I have 4 sets of eyes always watching at how I respond/handle different things and looking to me for direction that often the simpler things they cherish/remember more eg you can plan a day full of activities but often just exploring the beach, playing board games, shooting hoops is what they enjoy - get into their world.
What sacrifices have you made for your family?
When they were little it was 'sleep' - waking during the night, and 'privacy' - not being able to shower or go to the toilet on my own. Now that they are older, it is 'time'. I spend A LOT of my time driving to and from school, music lessons, sports training, sports games, kids work, youth, appointments, rehearsals, social events. Then there's school work, getting chores done, being referee to the countless arguments between siblings etc. We really have to be intentional with the time we have left in the week.
How would you describe your love for your child/children?
No amount of words could begin to describe the love I have for my boys. Sometimes they drive me absolutely crazy but I can't imagine my life without them. They are my world.
How do you keep the faith on tough days?
Practically - walk away and give them space. Tomorrow is a new day. Trust God has them. Pick your battles. Understand that some battles aren't 'ours' but Gods and understand that some battles aren't 'theirs' but Gods. PRAY!!

Connie- Mum of 2
What are you most proud of in your motherhood journey?
It is hard just to pinpoint one moment. I am proud of who my children have become so far; they are truly unique and special. I am proud of how they understand the power of prayers much earlier than I do.
How do you teach your children the ways of God?
I believe action speaks louder than words. I pray with my children every day; I actively serve, we have regular family devotion time, and through conversations, I show them how I need God to guide me through my life.
What is your best advice for mums during tough seasons?
Breath, allow time for yourself to recharge. Most importantly, hold on to the word that God had given you, your child and your family;
and remember you are never alone.