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Embracing New Things

Writer: The Favour .CoThe Favour .Co

I still remember it so clearly when God first spoke to me about moving to India. I had just finished a 4 month Missions trip in Mumbai and I knew that it wouldn't be that last time I was there. I could feel something stirring within my spirit, I knew God had something else in store for me. Almost everyday when I was in India I remember thinking to myself “I could live here” and that's when I knew that God was preparing me for the start of something New.

I returned to Brisbane in December 2017 to tell my family that at the age of 23 God had asked me to pack up my entire life in Australia and head right back to Mumbai to live permanently, I had never been so sure about anything. So in Feb 2018 I made the Big move, I sold my car to buy my ticket to Mumbai, quit my job, packed my bags and left everything I had ever known behind.

I had no idea how I would be able to financially support myself as I had absolutely no savings, a debt to pay off and would have no job or income while I was in Mumbai, that was my reality but I had such an overwhelming sense of peace about my decision to move.

I had so many people questioning my decision to leave Australia, I had just been offered a promotion at work with a great pay increase but turned it down, I even had people telling me to wait one more year to see if God is still saying the same thing but despite that I knew that God had asked me to step out into something and I didn't want to miss it. It was the scariest but easiest decision I’ve ever made. Scary because I had no idea how I would provide for myself, I couldn't speak the language and I only knew a few people, easy because I knew 100% this was something God had asked me to do. All I had to do was obey his word and he would take care of the rest no matter how scared I was.

Whatever it is that God is asking you to step into or embrace this year can I encourage you in the famous words “JUST DO IT” the God we serve is so kind and so loving, he will not let you down! New beginnings or new seasons can be daunting and scary but if they are from God I can promise you that they are FULL of his Favour, blessing and abundance. You need not worry, God's got this!




Meet Laura, she is a woman of faith and part of our iSEE Mumbai Family! Newly married to her husband Abinesh they are our part of our incredible team making iSEE Mumbai happen every week. She has a huge heart for people, sharing the gospel and impacting the city for Jesus.



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