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My Dwelling Place

Writer: The Favour .CoThe Favour .Co

Growing up in North Queensland, I was no stranger to the blistering heat of the sun. After a few moments in the sun and the heat, it was not uncommon to be looking for a place of shade for some respite - North Queensland heat is like no other!

When going for a walk you could often find yourself looking ahead to search out a shady section and you would walk a little faster to get to the shade and then slow the pace down while in the shade. This cycle of sun to shade would continue until the end of the walk (when you would return home dripping in sweat, crank on the air-conditioning or jump in the pool/shower - most likely fully clothed.)

The search for shade and respite could often overtake the purpose of the walk and you could find yourself completely distracted from everything else around you and rather than enjoying the walk you would instead carry the burden of the heat.

This reminded me of the verse found in Psalm 91:1

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

To dwell means to ‘live in or at a specified place’ and we are called to ‘dwell’ and ‘rest’ in the presence of God. His presence is not something that we are designed to come in and out of, or pass through as a place of respite and then battle the elements of our everyday lives on our own. It is a place that we are called to stay in at all times, we are designed to stay there - we NEED to stay there. It is in that place that we find all that we need. When we dwell - we find rest.

In that place of dwelling and resting is where our perspective can change and we can enjoy the incredible life we have been given, we can see the incredible blessings that he continues to pour out upon us. It is in that place where we find the clarity in our purpose and stop carrying burdens that we are not called to carry.

Know that His presence is there for us - in every moment of every day - protecting us from the heat of the circumstances around us, sustaining us in times of weakness when we feel like we can’t go on and giving us joy in moments when we feel heavy.

Everyday we have the opportunity to choose to dwell and rest or strive and struggle on our own.

The invitation is there - right now - to make His presence your dwelling place.

Accept the invitation.

Love Kim x



Kimberly Moriconi is one of our multi-talented staff members at iSEE CHURCH. She is our Church Online and Connections pastor. Kim is a wife and a super mum of 3 gorgeous children! You may have also spotted her leading worship across our church locations.



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