As the cooler weather looms, not much beats cuddling up in your favourite chair with a hot cuppa and a good book!! But with all the digital, audio and plain old hardcopy options, it can be hard to sniff out one worthy of investing your time (and money) into! So, a few of our Favour favourites have given us their fav reads, guaranteed to give you a dose of inspiration and encouragement!

BOOK: By Searching
AUTHOR: Isobel Kuhn

It's always hard to choose a favourite but this is probably one of the most significant for me. It was released in 1957 & it's a woman's journey of growing up in a conservative Christian home, questioning if God is real and how she discovered God for herself and ultimately the plan He had for her life. It was so shaping for me in embracing the call of God on my life and desiring a life that is sold out to God's higher purposes.
BOOK: God’s Generals
AUTHOR: Roberts Liardon

My all-time favourite book is 'God's generals'. It always stirs my faith for more. Whenever I read it It inspires me to go after God's presence and for revival in our cities.
BOOK: The Broken Way
AUTHOR: Ann Voskamp

I love anything and everything written by Ann Voskamp, but this is undoubtedly one of my absolute favourites.
Our journeys in life are not always predictable, and though the situations that evoke a sense of brokenness may vary, all of us at some point will experience woundedness, loss or disappointment of differing magnitudes.
Yet what do we do when we are confronted with pain and even pushed to our visceral limits? Who do we become and where in truth, can we find strength and purpose?
This book is thought-provoking and inspiring, and for me, a way in which God helped me to reframe the concept of brokenness. I have come back to it many times over the years, and each reading gives me fresh courage as I remember that our “broken pieces” can be transformed, if we surrender and put them in Jesus’ hands of love and grace.
BOOK: Business by the Book
AUTHOR: Larry Burkett

This is one of those books that spells out biblical truths in such a simple way that will revolutionise how you see your job. Whether you run your own business, manage a business or are an employee, this book will give you a godly perspective on your work.
BOOK: Without Rival AUTHOR: Lisa Bevere

I read this just before I started Bible college about 3 years ago. It really inspired me and confirmed for me that I was on the right path for church-based ministry. I love how her writing feels like you are sitting in the room with her while she is dropping all the pearls of wisdom for me to catch. I took so many notes and I felt so encouraged.
AUTHOR: Bruce Wilkinson

I absolutely love this book! I once heard someone say that, if the vision for your life doesn’t intimidate you then you aren’t dreaming big enough for God to work through your life and see the impossible achieved! This book is written so creatively you just can’t put it down! Part I is written as a very clever narrative and is followed up by Part II, revealing the process of outworking your God-given dream. It encourages us to live a bold, courageous life that we were created for!
BOOK: Turnaround God: Discovering God's Transformational Power.
AUTHOR: Charlotte Gambill

This book was a great boost of faith and the perfect reminder that we don’t need to settle. Hearing from Charlotte about her journey in ministry was a great encouragement as well.
BOOK: The Cross and the Switchblade
AUTHOR: David Wilkerson

Ohhh this is a hard one! One of my favourites is 'The Cross and the Switchblade'. It was the first book I read when I responded to salvation and it's one I reread every year. The true story of a young preacher whose heart broke for young men and women in New York City caught in a cycle of gang-violence, destructive behaviour, and drugs. David Wilkerson literally packed up his whole life to move to NYC on a word from God... long story short he founded Teen Challenge and was part of God using him to change the trajectory of thousands of lives. It ALWAYS reminds me to come back to what's important, people + God's transformation power.
Got a favourite of your own, you'd love to share? We'd love to know about it! Share in social media and tag us @favour.women, and use the hashtag #bookclub