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Reflections on Motherhood (Part Two)

Writer: The Favour .CoThe Favour .Co

Catherine- Mother of 3

What sacrifices have you made for your family?

So much of motherhood is a sacrifice, I often feel as though God uses this process to refine me though and to shape me into who He has called me to be. Some seasons I have felt like I've been stripped right back to the end of myself, where I've had no sleep, no patience & cancelled plans, but He's always met me there and as I look back I can see where I have been stretched but have grown in my faith.

How would you describe your love for your child/children?


How do you keep the faith on tough days?

By inviting the Holy Spirit into the moments where I desperately need patience. By taking my disappointments to Him

Did God give you any keys or strategies for your children?

The word "nurture" is one that the Lord often reminds me of. It is such a key to doing motherhood well yet not something that always comes easily.

How do you teach your children the ways of God? By inviting them into moments where we rely on God. By practicing thankfulness. By praying together and reading the Word together


Natasha- Mum of 2

They say when a child is born a mother is also born. How do you describe becoming a mother?

The first thing I would say is that nothing can prepare you for becoming a mother. No matter how many books, articles or clips you watch, it’s honestly never going to prepare you for that exact moment. To be honest I think I had read too many articles that I expected to have this magical love connection with my child when they were born and when that didn't happen I had to work through it. I would describe becoming a mother as a journey. A journey for both mother and child. Becoming a mother is the most hardest thing I have ever done yet the most rewarding at the same time.

What parts of yourself did you discover when you became a mother?

There's something about having children that causes your heart to enlarge. I always thought I was going to be this strict, routine driven, tough love type of mother, however that has not been the case. I have a heart that melts like butter for my two. Without sounding too cliche, it's two little bits of my heart running around on the outside. Becoming a mother I discovered that I'm more loving, caring and patient than I’ve ever been. I also discovered that I am more capable than I know. Mums are definitely superheroes.

Did God give you any keys or strategies for your children?

Totally. I remember bringing our first little human home and having no idea what to do. Suddenly I was responsible for this little being - how was she going to survive? I literally asked God for help because I needed it. One strategy for me was to pray in tongues constantly. If she was upset I would pray in tongues, would it stop her crying? No, but it definitely helped me to manage those first few weeks being a first time Mum. There’s a level of trust you have to have with God when you become a Mum. I’m not always going to be there or stop things from happening so all I can do is just trust Him. Trusting him is another strategy that has really helped me.

Describe your family in three words.

Adventurous, Strong and Loving.


Selena- Mum of 4, Grandma of 6

How would you describe a mother’s heart or love?


How do you teach your children the ways of God?

We should teach them by example, pray with them, do devotions with them and talk to them about God. Proverbs 22:6 (AMP) “Train up a child in the way he should go (teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities + talents). Even when he is old he will not depart from it”.

How is being a grandparent different to being a parent?

I suppose being a grandparent is different as you have more time to be able to spoil them and have fun with them, you aren’t as busy in the everyday things in bringing them up and you can always pass them back to their parents at the end, until next time. I still love my grandkids as if they are my own. I often tell them about Jesus too.

What is the best advice for mum’s going through tough seasons?

It is a very busy season bringing up children especially when they are so little, just take each day as it comes. I was once told many years ago when my kids were little… it doesn’t matter if your house is not tidy, it doesn’t last forever as your children won’t be home forever. Now that we only have one at home, I’m not sure if I’m ready to be empty nesters. I just love the comings and goings of family… even when the grandkids come too.


Angel- Mum to 8 month old Emily

How would you describe a mother’s heart

of love?

A mother’s heart for her child is ever expansive, there is nothing you wouldn’t do for your child. Your heart feels like it will explode from all the love you have for them, it’s a love like no other.

Has motherhood been different to what you expected?

Motherhood was so different to anything I’d experienced. It’s this journey of constantly learning, balancing yourself and being consumed with the love for your child. You cannot prepare someone to be a mum, no amount of questions or experience with children prepared me for it.

What has becoming a mother taught you?

Becoming a mother has taught me so much about God’s love for us. The kind of love I feel for Emily is overwhelming and her God loves us even more than this, it’s crazy to contemplate.


Olive- Mother of 2

What do you hope your children think of you when they get older? She loves God, His house and people. What is your best advice for mums during tough seasons? There’s a season for everything, but never a season to give up! God’s faithfulness and goodness will carry you through this season. Keep going!! What are you most proud of in your motherhood journey? My 9 yr old son loves going to Gods house every week. I hope I can foster that until he has his own revelation of Jesus and begins his own walk with Him.



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