Natt Cross was one of our incredible guest speakers at Favour Conference 2019 and we've asked her to share some of her insights as a stylist.

Ok, so I hope you do not mind but I just need to ask you a quick question or two straight up. What are you wearing?? Hmmm what do you mean I hear you ask…
Well, what did you put on this morning when you got ready?? Now, I realise this is a very personal question given that we have only just met.
So, let me quickly introduce myself – my name is Natt: I am 43, I am married with 3 teenage kids. I like to drink English Breakfast tea in a fine china tea cup, I dislike the pain that comes with doing Pilates but I know Pilates is good for me so I keep doing it & I am currently wearing active wear as I am planning to go for a walk soon.
So now that you know all there is to know about me, back to my question of you:
What are you wearing?
Now, I will tell you why I want to know…
You see, I am a stylist and what people wear is important to me. I want to know that when you get up and get ready of a morning you are wearing the right thing. I want to know that you are dressed correctly for your day and life in general.
Now before I confuse you with the endless possibilities of suitable daily fashion choices, I should also say I am not actually talking about clothes. (I can hear the sighs of relief because I know some of you reading this are probably still in your pjs and you are feeling like – oops I have been busted!)
She is clothed in strength and dignity; She laughs without fear of the future.
Proverbs 31:25 (NLT)
Yes, I love to see a well-dressed woman but I believe that strength, dignity and confidence is the most important thing you could clothe yourself in every day and I have built a styling business based on this very verse from Proverbs 31.
Sadly, too many of us are wearing things that do not suit us; shame, guilt, fear, doubt, worry, insecurity… and the list goes on. Let me say this - these things do not look good on anyone!
If you came to me for a styling session and you were wearing worn out, dirty old clothes I would tell you to take them off – you deserve better. And if I saw you were wearing shame or fear & insecurity, I would also tell you to take it off. It does not suit you and you deserve better.
So, if you are wearing anything I just mentioned, you need to take it off. Now!
Seriously – take it off! Take a moment, take a breath, pray and release it to God and take it off!
You are beautiful, you are loved, you are courageous, you are enough, you are valued, you are unique, you are fearfully and wonderfully made!
When you start clothing yourself in strength and dignity, I tell you it will change your world. When choose to wear confidence over fear – your whole life will look different.
Choosing to wear strength, dignity and confidence rather than fear, shame and insecurity means you trust God in every circumstance.
To wear strength, means you know He is your source of strength for the tough times. In every season He is greater than the circumstances around you.
To wear dignity is to know that you are loved, valued and created in His image. When you make decisions in life, you make them knowing you are not second best or and after thought – you are the most beloved daughter of the Most High God.
And to laugh without fear of the future – is to truly trust God. It is living a life of faith that says I don’t always understand the things that are happening around me, but I know that God is for me, He loves me and He has a plan and purpose for me!
So, let me ask you one more time - What are you wearing?
I mentioned earlier that I do Pilates, and this week I have been getting up earlier than normal to do my Pilates while watching the sun rise. (I do not know what has come over me – getting up early is very unlike me!) But I must say it has been stunning to watch the warm, morning glow of light come for behind the hills. On Tuesday, as I was watching the sun come up, I felt God very gently encourage me with these 4 words: Rise up courageous daughter!I want to encourage you with those 4 words also – Rise up courageous daughter!Rise up in strength, rise up in dignity, rise up in confidence knowing God loves you and is with you every step of the way…Rise up courageous daughter!
So tomorrow when you go to your wardrobe and choose your outfits, put on that fabulous dress or gorgeous jumpsuit or jeans that make your legs look awesome. Choose the best pair of shoes, apply a fun shade of lippy and spritz yourself with fragrance and smile knowing that you are ready for your day, clothed in strength, dignity & confidence!
Love Natt xx
About the Author

Natt Cross is a super fun vibrant women of God, married with 3 teenage kids. She is passionate about instilling confidence and encouraging women through her styling knowledge. She loves to challenge and motivate women to be all that they can be.